Presented by Tsung-Wei Huang
How can we make it easier for C++ developers to quickly write parallel programs?
std::atomic_int garnish_ready{0}; // dependency variable
std::atomic_int meat_ready{0}; // dependency variable
std::atomic_int plating_ready{0}; // dependency variable
std::thread cook1 ([&] () {
garnish = cook_garnish(); garnish_ready = 1;
std::thread cook2 ([&] () {
meat = cook_meat(); meat_ready = 1;
std::thread chief ([&] () {
while(!garnish_ready && !meat_ready); // spinning
plates = plating(garnish, meat); plating_ready = 1;
std::thread waiter1 ([&] () {
while(!plating_ready); serve(plates[0]); // spinning
std::thread waiter2 ([&] () {
while(!plating_ready); serve(plates[1]); // spinning
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single
int c1c, c2c, cw1, cw2;
#pragma omp task depend(out:c1c)
garnish = cook_garnish();
#pragma omp task depend(out:c2c)
meat = cook_meat();
#pragma omp task depend(in:c1c,c2c) depend(out:cw1,cw2)
plates = plating(garnish, meat);
#pragma omp task depend(in:cw1)
#pragma omp task depend(in:cw2)
using namespace tbb::flow;
task_scheduler_init init(default_num_threads());
graph g;
continue_node<continue_msg> cook1(g, [&] (auto) { garnish = cook_garnish(); });
continue_node<continue_msg> cook2(g, [&] (auto) { meat = cook_meat(); });
continue_node<continue_msg> chief(g, [&] (auto) { plates = plating(garnish, meat); });
continue_node<continue_msg> waiter1(g, [&] (auto) { serve(plates[0]); });
continue_node<continue_msg> waiter2(g, [&] (auto) { serve(plates[1]); });
make_edge(cook1, chief);
make_edge(cook2, chief);
make_edge(chief, waiter1);
make_edge(chief, waiter2);
cook1.try_put(continue_msg()); // start at cook1
cook2.try_put(continue_msg()); // start at cook2
tf::Taskflow executor;
tf::Taskflow taskflow;
auto [cook1, cook2, chief, waiter1, waiter2] =
[&] () { garnish = cook_garnish(); },
[&] () { meat = cook_meat(); },
[&] () { plates = plating(garnish, meat); },
[&] () { serve(plates[0]); },
[&] () { serve(plates[1]); }
cook1.precede(chief); // cook1 runs before chief
cook2.precede(chief); // cook2 runs before chief
chief.precede(waiter1); // chief runs before waiter1
chief.precede(waiter2); // chief runs before waiter2;
tf::Taskflow tf;
auto A = tf.emplace([](){}).name("A");
auto C = tf.emplace([](){}).name("C");
auto D = tf.emplace([](){}).name("D");
auto B = tf.emplace([] (auto& subflow) {
auto B0 = subflow.emplace([](){}).name("B0");
auto B1 = subflow.emplace([](){}).name("B1");
auto B2 = subflow.emplace([](){}).name("B2");
auto B3 = subflow.emplace([](){}).name("B3");
auto B4 = subflow.emplace([](){}).name("B4");
B0.precede(B1, B2, B3);
B4.succeed(B1, B2, B3);
A.precede(B); // B runs after A
A.precede(C); // C runs after A
B.precede(D); // D runs after B
C.precede(D); // D runs after C
tf::Taskflow tf;
auto A = tf.emplace([](){}).name("A");
auto B = tf.emplace([](){}).name("B");
auto C = tf.emplace([](){}).name("C");
auto D = tf.emplace([](){ return rand()%3; }).name("D");
auto E = tf.emplace([](){}).name("E");
auto F = tf.emplace([](){}).name("F");
A.precede(B, C); // A runs before B and C
B.precede(D); // B runs before D
C.precede(F); // C runs before F
D.precede(B); // D conditions B on 0 (feedback)
D.precede(D); // D conditions D on 1 (self-loop)
D.precede(E); // D conditions E on 2
tf::Taskflow A, B;
auto [taskA1, taskA2, taskA3] = A.emplace(
[]() { std::cout << "Task A1\n"; },
[]() { std::cout << "Task A2\n"; },
[]() { std::cout << "Task A3\n"; }
taskA1.precede(taskA2, taskA3);
auto [taskB1, taskB2, taskB3] = B.emplace(
[]() { std::cout << "Task B1\n"; },
[]() { std::cout << "Task B2\n"; },
[]() { std::cout << "Task B3\n"; }
// Compose taskflow B
auto module_A = B.composed_of(A);
module_A.precede(taskB2, taskB3);
tf::Taskflow taskflow;
tf::Executor executor;
auto allocate_x = taskflow.emplace(
[&](){ cudaMalloc(&dx, N*sizeof(float));}
auto allocate_y = taskflow.emplace(
[&](){ cudaMalloc(&dy, N*sizeof(float));}
auto cudaflow = taskflow.emplace([&](tf::cudaFlow& cf) {
auto h2d_x = cf.copy(dx,, N);
auto h2d_y = cf.copy(dy,, N);
auto d2h_x = cf.copy(, dx, N);
auto d2h_y = cf.copy(, dy, N);
auto op = cf.kernel(N/256, 256, 0, saxpy, N, 2, dx, dy);
op.succeed(h2d_x, h2d_y).precede(d2h_x, d2h_y);
cudaflow.succeed(allocate_x, allocate_y);;
# visit
~$ python3 -o output.tfp taskflow-program args
~$ cat output.tfp
# paste the content to
# clone the newest Taskflow
~$ git clone
# Taskflow is header-only
~$ cp -r taskflow/taskflow my_project/
# compile you code with g++, clang++, or msvc
~$ g++ -std=c++17 my_project/test.cpp -pthread
Taskflow is the cleanest Task API I've ever seen.
Taskflow has a very simple and elegant tasking interface. The performance also scales very well.
Best Poster Award in the official CPP Conference, 2018
Second Prize of Open Source Software Competition in ACM Multimedia Conference, 2019