Cookbook » Conditional Tasking

Parallel workloads often require making control-flow decisions across dependent tasks. Taskflow supports an very efficient interface of conditional tasking for users to implement general control flow such as dynamic flow, cycles, and conditionals that are otherwise difficult to do with existing frameworks.

Create a Condition Task

A condition task evalutes a set of instructions and returns an integer index of the next successor task to execute. The index is defined with respect to the order of its successor construction. The following example creates an if-else block using a single condition task.

 1: tf::Taskflow taskflow;
 3: auto [init, cond, yes, no] = taskflow.emplace(
 4:  [] () { },
 5:  [] () { return 0; },
 6:  [] () { std::cout << "yes\n"; },
 7:  [] () { std::cout << "no\n"; }
 8: );
10: cond.succeed(init)
11:     .precede(yes, no);  // executes yes if cond returns 0
12:                         // executes no  if cond returns 1
Taskflow p0x7f9e1e700030 init p0x7f9e1e700140 cond p0x7f9e1e700030->p0x7f9e1e700140 p0x7f9e1e700250 yes p0x7f9e1e700140->p0x7f9e1e700250 0 p0x7f9e1e700360 no p0x7f9e1e700140->p0x7f9e1e700360 1

Line 5 creates a condition task cond and line 11 creates two dependencies from cond to two other tasks, yes and no. With this order, when cond returns 0, the execution moves on to task yes. When cond returns 1, the execution moves on to task no.

Condition task can go cyclic to describe iterative control flow. The example below implements a simple yet commonly used feedback loop through a condition task (line 7-10) that returns a random binary value. If the return value from cond is 0, it loops back to itself, or otherwise to stop.

 1: tf::Taskflow taskflow;
 3: tf::Task init = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("init");
 4: tf::Task stop = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("stop");
 6: // creates a condition task that returns 0 or 1
 7: tf::Task cond = taskflow.emplace([](){
 8:   std::cout << "flipping a coin\n";
 9:   return std::rand() % 2;
10: }).name("cond");
12: // creates a feedback loop {0: cond, 1: stop}
13: init.precede(cond);
14: cond.precede(cond, stop);  // returns 0 to 'cond' or 1 to 'stop'
Taskflow cond cond cond->cond 0 stop stop cond->stop 1 init init init->cond

A taskflow of complex control flow often just takes a few lines of code to implement, and different control flow blocks may run in parallel. The code below creates another taskflow with three condition tasks.

tf::Taskflow taskflow;

tf::Task A = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("A");
tf::Task B = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("B");
tf::Task C = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("C");
tf::Task D = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("D");
tf::Task E = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("E");
tf::Task F = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("F");
tf::Task G = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("G");
tf::Task H = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("H");
tf::Task I = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("I");
tf::Task K = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("K");
tf::Task L = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("L");
tf::Task M = taskflow.emplace([](){}).name("M");
tf::Task cond_1 = taskflow.emplace([](){ return std::rand()%2; }).name("cond_1");
tf::Task cond_2 = taskflow.emplace([](){ return std::rand()%2; }).name("cond_2");
tf::Task cond_3 = taskflow.emplace([](){ return std::rand()%2; }).name("cond_3");

A.precede(B, F);

cond_1.precede(B, E);       // return 0 to 'B' or 1 to 'E'
cond_2.precede(G, H);       // return 0 to 'G' or 1 to 'H'
cond_3.precede(cond_3, L);  // return 0 to 'cond_3' or 1 to 'L'


The above code creates three condition tasks: (1) a condition task cond_1 that loops back to B on returning 0, or proceeds to E on returning 1, (2) a condition task cond_2 that goes to G on returning 0, or H on returning 1, (3) a condition task cond_3 that loops back to itself on returning 0, or proceeds to L on returning 1

Taskflow p0x7fecbdc02830 A p0x7fecbdc02940 B p0x7fecbdc02830->p0x7fecbdc02940 p0x7fecbdc02d80 F p0x7fecbdc02830->p0x7fecbdc02d80 p0x7fecbdc02a50 C p0x7fecbdc02940->p0x7fecbdc02a50 p0x7fecbdc03600 cond_2 p0x7fecbdc02d80->p0x7fecbdc03600 p0x7fecbdc02b60 D p0x7fecbdc02a50->p0x7fecbdc02b60 p0x7fecbdc034f0 cond_1 p0x7fecbdc02b60->p0x7fecbdc034f0 p0x7fecbdc034f0->p0x7fecbdc02940 0 p0x7fecbdc02c70 E p0x7fecbdc034f0->p0x7fecbdc02c70 1 p0x7fecbdc031c0 K p0x7fecbdc02c70->p0x7fecbdc031c0 p0x7fecbdc02e90 G p0x7fecbdc03600->p0x7fecbdc02e90 0 p0x7fecbdc02fa0 H p0x7fecbdc03600->p0x7fecbdc02fa0 1 p0x7fecbdc030b0 I p0x7fecbdc02fa0->p0x7fecbdc030b0 p0x7fecbdc03710 cond_3 p0x7fecbdc030b0->p0x7fecbdc03710 p0x7fecbdc03710->p0x7fecbdc03710 0 p0x7fecbdc032d0 L p0x7fecbdc03710->p0x7fecbdc032d0 1 p0x7fecbdc033e0 M p0x7fecbdc032d0->p0x7fecbdc033e0

You can use condition tasks to create cycles as long as the graph does not introduce task race during execution. However, cycles are not allowed in non-condition tasks.

Understand our Task-level Scheduling

In order to understand how an executor schedules condition tasks, we define two dependency types, strong dependency and weak dependency. A strong dependency is a preceding link from a non-condition task to another task. A weak dependency is a preceding link from a condition task to another task. The number of dependents of a task is the sum of strong dependency and weak dependency. The table below lists the strong dependency and weak dependency numbers of each task in the previous example.

taskstrong dependencyweak dependencydependents

You can query the number of strong dependents, the number of weak dependents, and the number of dependents of a task.

1: tf::Taskflow taskflow;
3: tf::Task task = taskflow.emplace([](){});
5: // ... add more tasks and preceding links
7: std::cout << task.num_dependents() << '\n';
8: std::cout << task.num_strong_dependents() << '\n'; 
9: std::cout << task.num_weak_dependents() << '\n';

When you submit a task to an executor, the scheduler starts with tasks of zero dependents (both zero strong and weak dependencies) and continues to execute successive tasks whenever their strong dependencies are met. However, the scheduler skips this rule when executing a condition task and jumps directly to its successors indexed by the return value.

G atask a task T cond is T a condition task? atask->cond invokeN invoke(T) cond->invokeN no invokeY R = invoke(T) cond->invokeY yes decrement decrement strong dependencies of each successor of T by one invokeN->decrement enqueueR enqueue the R-th successor of T invokeY->enqueueR enqueueS enqueue successors of zero strong dpendencies decrement->enqueueS

Each task has an atomic join counter to keep track of strong dependents that are met at runtime. When a task completes, the join counter is restored to the task's strong dependency number in the graph, such that the subsequent execution can reuse the counter again.


Let's take a look at an example to understand how task-level scheduling works. Suppose we have the following taskflow of one condition task cond that forms a loop to itself on returning 0 and moves on to stop on returning 1:

Taskflow cond cond cond->cond 0 stop stop cond->stop 1 init init init->cond

The scheduler starts with init task because it has no dependencies (both strong and weak dependencies). Then, the scheduler moves on to the condition task cond. If cond returns 0, the scheduler enqueues cond and runs it again. If cond returns 1, the scheduler enqueues stop and then moves on.

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Condition tasks are handy in creasing dynamic and cyclic control flows, but they are also easy to make mistakes. It is your responsibility to ensure a taskflow is properly conditioned. Top things to avoid include no source tasks to start with and task race. The figure below shows common pitfalls and their remedies.

Taskflow cluster_error1 error1: no source tasks cluster_fix1 fix1: adds a source cluster_error2 error2: race on D cluster_fix2 fix2: adds an auxiliary task cluster_risky risky: X might be raced e1A A e1A->e1A 0 e1B B e1A->e1B 1 e1C C e1A->e1C 2 f1S S f1A A f1S->f1A f1A->f1A 0 f1B B f1A->f1B 1 f1C C f1A->f1C 2 e2C C e2D D e2C->e2D 0 e2F F e2C->e2F 1 e2E E e2E->e2D f2C C f2Daux D-aux f2C->f2Daux 0 f2F F f2C->f2F 1 f2D D f2Daux->f2D f2E E f2E->f2D rP P rQ Q rP->rQ 0 rX X rP->rX 1 rM M rM->rX 0 rN N rM->rN 1

In the error1 scenario, there is no source task for the scheduler to start with, and the simplest fix is to add a task S that has no dependents. In the error2 scenario, D might be scheduled twice by E through the strong dependency and C through the weak dependency (on returning 1). To fix this problem, you can add an auxiliary task D-aux to break the mixed use of strong dependency and weak dependency. In the risky scenario, task X may be raced by M and P if M returns 0 and P returns 1.

Implement Control-flow Graphs

Implement If-Else Control Flow

You can use conditional tasking to implement if-else control flow. The following example creates a nested if-else control flow diagram that executes three condition tasks to check the range of i.

tf::Taskflow taskflow;

int i;

// create three condition tasks for nested control flow
auto initi = taskflow.emplace([&](){ i=3; }); 
auto cond1 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ return i>1 ? 1 : 0; }); 
auto cond2 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ return i>2 ? 1 : 0; }); 
auto cond3 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ return i>3 ? 1 : 0; }); 
auto equl1 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "i=1\n"; }); 
auto equl2 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "i=2\n"; }); 
auto equl3 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "i=3\n"; }); 
auto grtr3 = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "i>3\n"; }); 

cond1.precede(equl1, cond2);  // goes to cond2 if i>1
cond2.precede(equl2, cond3);  // goes to cond3 if i>2
cond3.precede(equl3, grtr3);  // goes to grtr3 if i>3
Taskflow p0x7fc231700030 init p0x7fc231700140 cond1 (i>1 ? 1 : 0) p0x7fc231700030->p0x7fc231700140 p0x7fc231700470 equl1 p0x7fc231700140->p0x7fc231700470 0 p0x7fc231700250 cond2 (i>2 ? 1 : 0) p0x7fc231700140->p0x7fc231700250 1 p0x7fc231700580 equl2 p0x7fc231700250->p0x7fc231700580 0 p0x7fc231700360 cond3 (i>3 ? 1 : 0) p0x7fc231700250->p0x7fc231700360 1 p0x7fc231700690 equl3 p0x7fc231700360->p0x7fc231700690 0 p0x7fc2317007a0 grtr3 p0x7fc231700360->p0x7fc2317007a0 1

Implement Switch Control Flow

You can use conditional tasking to implement switch control flow. The following example creates a switch control flow diagram that executes one of the three cases at random using four condition tasks.

tf::Taskflow taskflow;

auto [source, swcond, case1, case2, case3, target] = taskflow.emplace(
  [](){ std::cout << "source\n"; },
  [](){ std::cout << "switch\n"; return rand()%3; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 1\n"; return 0; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 2\n"; return 0; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 3\n"; return 0; },
  [](){ std::cout << "target\n"; }

swcond.precede(case1, case2, case3);
target.succeed(case1, case2, case3);
Taskflow p0x7fa25f000030 source p0x7fa25f000140 switch p0x7fa25f000030->p0x7fa25f000140 p0x7fa25f000250 case 1 p0x7fa25f000140->p0x7fa25f000250 0 p0x7fa25f000360 case 2 p0x7fa25f000140->p0x7fa25f000360 1 p0x7fa25f000470 case 3 p0x7fa25f000140->p0x7fa25f000470 2 p0x7fa25f000580 target p0x7fa25f000250->p0x7fa25f000580 0 p0x7fa25f000360->p0x7fa25f000580 0 p0x7fa25f000470->p0x7fa25f000580 0

Assuming swcond returns 1, the program outputs:

case 2

Keep in mind, both switch and case tasks must be described as condition tasks. The following implementation is a common mistake in which case tasks are not described as condition tasks.

// wrong implementation of switch control flow using only one condition task
tf::Taskflow taskflow;

auto [source, swcond, case1, case2, case3, target] = taskflow.emplace(
  [](){ std::cout << "source\n"; },
  [](){ std::cout << "switch\n"; return rand()%3; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 1\n"; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 2\n"; },
  [](){ std::cout << "case 3\n"; },
  [](){ std::cout << "target\n"; }  // target has three strong dependencies

swcond.precede(case1, case2, case3);
target.succeed(case1, case2, case3);
Taskflow p0x7f96d3000030 source p0x7f96d3000140 switch p0x7f96d3000030->p0x7f96d3000140 p0x7f96d3000250 case 1 p0x7f96d3000140->p0x7f96d3000250 0 p0x7f96d3000360 case 2 p0x7f96d3000140->p0x7f96d3000360 1 p0x7f96d3000470 case 3 p0x7f96d3000140->p0x7f96d3000470 2 p0x7f96d3000580 target p0x7f96d3000250->p0x7f96d3000580 p0x7f96d3000360->p0x7f96d3000580 p0x7f96d3000470->p0x7f96d3000580

In this faulty implementation, task target has three strong dependencies but only one of them will be met. This is because swcond is a condition task, and only one case task will be executed depending on the return of swcond.

Implement Do-While-Loop Control Flow

You can use conditional tasking to implement do-while-loop control flow. The following example creates a do-while-loop control flow diagram that repeatedly increments variable i five times using one condition task.

tf::Taskflow taskflow;

int i;

auto [init, body, cond, done] = taskflow.emplace(
  [&](){ std::cout << "i=0\n"; i=0; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "i++ => i="; i++; },
  [&](){ std::cout << i << '\n'; return i<5 ? 0 : 1; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "done\n"; }

cond.precede(body, done);
Taskflow p0x7f950d600030 init p0x7f950d600140 do i++ p0x7f950d600030->p0x7f950d600140 p0x7f950d600250 while i<5 p0x7f950d600140->p0x7f950d600250 p0x7f950d600250->p0x7f950d600140 0 p0x7f950d600360 done p0x7f950d600250->p0x7f950d600360 1

The program outputs:

i++ => i=1
i++ => i=2
i++ => i=3
i++ => i=4
i++ => i=5

Implement While-Loop Control Flow

You can use conditional tasking to implement while-loop control flow. The following example creates a while-loop control flow diagram that repeatedly increments variable i five times using two condition task.

tf::Taskflow taskflow;

int i;

auto [init, cond, body, back, done] = taskflow.emplace(
  [&](){ std::cout << "i=0\n"; i=0; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "while i<5\n"; return i < 5 ? 0 : 1; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "i++=" << i++ << '\n'; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "back\n"; return 0; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "done\n"; }

cond.precede(body, done);
Taskflow p0x7fdba4000030 init p0x7fdba4000140 while i<5 p0x7fdba4000030->p0x7fdba4000140 p0x7fdba4000470 done p0x7fdba4000140->p0x7fdba4000470 1 p0x7fdba4000250 i++ p0x7fdba4000140->p0x7fdba4000250 0 p0x7fdba4000360 back p0x7fdba4000250->p0x7fdba4000360 p0x7fdba4000360->p0x7fdba4000140 0

The program outputs:

while i<5
while i<5
while i<5
while i<5
while i<5
while i<5

Notice that, when you implement a while-loop block, you cannot direct a dependency from the body task to the loop condition task. Doing so will introduce a strong dependency between the body task and the loop condition task, and the loop condition task will never be executed. The following code shows a common faulty implementation of while-loop control flow.

// wrong implementation of while-loop using only one condition task
tf::Taskflow taskflow;

int i;

auto [init, cond, body, done] = taskflow.emplace(
  [&](){ std::cout << "i=0\n"; i=0; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "while i<5\n"; return i < 5 ? 0 : 1; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "i++=" << i++ << '\n'; },
  [&](){ std::cout << "done\n"; }

cond.precede(body, done);
Taskflow p0x7fdba4000030 init p0x7fdba4000140 while i<5 p0x7fdba4000030->p0x7fdba4000140 p0x7fdba4000470 done p0x7fdba4000140->p0x7fdba4000470 1 p0x7fdba4000250 i++ p0x7fdba4000140->p0x7fdba4000250 0 p0x7fdba4000250->p0x7fdba4000140

In the taskflow diagram above, the scheduler starts with init and then decrements the strong dependency of the loop condition task, while i<5. After this, there remains one strong dependency, i.e., introduced by the loop body task, i++. However, task i++ will not be executed until the loop condition task returns 0, causing a deadlock.

Create a Multi-condition Task

A multi-condition task is a generalized version of conditional tasking. In some cases, applications need to jump to multiple branches from a parent task. This can be done by creating a multi-condition task which allows a task to select one or more successor tasks to execute. Similar to a condition task, a multi-condition task returns a vector of integer indices that indicate the successors to execute when the multi-condition task completes. The index is defined with respect to the order of successors preceded by a multi-condition task. For example, the following code creates a multi-condition task, A, that informs the scheduler to run on its two successors, B and D.

tf::Executor executor;
tf::Taskflow taskflow;

auto A = taskflow.emplace([&]() -> tf::SmallVector<int> { 
  std::cout << "A\n"; 
  return {0, 2};
auto B = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "B\n"; }).name("B");
auto C = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "C\n"; }).name("C");
auto D = taskflow.emplace([&](){ std::cout << "D\n"; }).name("D");

A.precede(B, C, D);;
Taskflow p0x7bc400014030 A p0x7bc400014118 B p0x7bc400014030->p0x7bc400014118 0 p0x7bc400014200 C p0x7bc400014030->p0x7bc400014200 1 p0x7bc4000142e8 D p0x7bc400014030->p0x7bc4000142e8 2

One important application of conditional tasking is implementing iterative control flow. You can use multi-condition tasks to create multiple loops that run concurrently. The following code creates a sequential chain of four loops in which each loop increments a counter variable ten times. When the program completes, the value of the counter variable is 40.

tf::Executor executor;
tf::Taskflow taskflow;
std::atomic<int> counter{0};

auto loop = [&, i=bool{true}, c = int(0)]() mutable -> tf::SmallVector<int> {
  if(i) {
    i = false;
    return {0, -1};
  else {
    counter.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
    return {++c < 10 ? 0 : -1};
auto A = taskflow.emplace([](){});
auto B = taskflow.emplace(loop);
auto C = taskflow.emplace(loop);
auto D = taskflow.emplace(loop);

B.precede(B, C);
C.precede(C, D);
D.precede(D);;  // counter == 40
Taskflow p0x7bc400014030 init p0x7bc400014118 A p0x7bc400014030->p0x7bc400014118 p0x7bc400014118->p0x7bc400014118 0 p0x7bc400014200 B p0x7bc400014118->p0x7bc400014200 1 p0x7bc400014200->p0x7bc400014200 0 p0x7bc4000142e8 C p0x7bc400014200->p0x7bc4000142e8 1 p0x7bc4000142e8->p0x7bc4000142e8 0 p0x7bc4000143d0 D p0x7bc4000142e8->p0x7bc4000143d0 1 p0x7bc4000143d0->p0x7bc4000143d0 0