#include <taskflow/core/task.hpp>
TaskView class to access task information from the observer interface
Public functions
auto name() const -> const std::
string& - queries the name of the task
- auto num_successors() const -> size_t
- queries the number of successors of the task
- auto num_dependents() const -> size_t
- queries the number of predecessors of the task
- auto num_strong_dependents() const -> size_t
- queries the number of strong dependents of the task
- auto num_weak_dependents() const -> size_t
- queries the number of weak dependents of the task
template<typename V>void for_each_successor(V&& visitor) const
- applies an visitor callable to each successor of the task
template<typename V>void for_each_dependent(V&& visitor) const
- applies an visitor callable to each dependents of the task
- auto type() const -> TaskType
- queries the task type
- auto hash_value() const -> size_t
- obtains a hash value of the underlying node