tf::Worker class

class to create a worker in an executor

The class is primarily used by the executor to perform work-stealing algorithm. Users can access a worker object and alter its property (e.g., changing the thread affinity in a POSIX-like system) using tf::WorkerInterface.

Public functions

auto id() const -> size_t
queries the worker id associated with its parent executor
auto queue_size() const -> size_t
queries the size of the queue (i.e., number of enqueued tasks to run) associated with the worker
auto queue_capacity() const -> size_t
queries the current capacity of the queue
auto executor() -> Executor*
acquires the associated executor
auto thread() -> std::thread&
acquires the associated thread

Function documentation

size_t tf::Worker::id() const

queries the worker id associated with its parent executor

A worker id is a unsigned integer in the range [0, N), where N is the number of workers spawned at the construction time of the executor.