Learning from Examples » Fibonacci Number

We study the classic problem, Fibonacci Number, to demonstrate the use of recursive task parallelism.

Problem Formulation

In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers, commonly denoted F(n), form a sequence such that each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1.

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...

A common solution for computing fibonacci numbers is recursion.

int fib(int n) {
  if(n < 2) return n;
  return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

Recursive Fibonacci Parallelism

We use tf::Subflow to recursively compute fibonacci numbers in parallel.

#include <taskflow/taskflow.hpp>

int spawn(int n, tf::Subflow& sbf) {
  if (n < 2) return n;
  int res1, res2;
  sbf.emplace([&res1, n] (tf::Subflow& sbf) { res1 = spawn(n - 1, sbf); } )
  sbf.emplace([&res2, n] (tf::Subflow& sbf) { res2 = spawn(n - 2, sbf); } )
  return res1 + res2;

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
  int N = 5;
  int res;

  tf::Executor executor;
  tf::Taskflow taskflow("fibonacci");

  taskflow.emplace([&res, N] (tf::Subflow& sbf) { res = spawn(N, sbf); })



  std::cout << "Fib[" << N << "]: " << res << std::endl;

  return 0;

The spawned taskflow graph for computing up to the fifth fibonacci number is shown below:

Taskflow cluster_p0x7ffd972c0cd0 Taskflow: fibonacci cluster_p0xa445c0 Subflow: 5 cluster_p0x7fe918000b90 Subflow: 4 cluster_p0x7fe910000b90 Subflow: 3 cluster_p0x7fe918000fe0 Subflow: 2 cluster_p0x7fe910000c48 Subflow: 2 cluster_p0x7fe918000c48 Subflow: 3 cluster_p0x7fe918000d00 Subflow: 2 p0xa445c0 5 p0x7fe918000b90 4 p0x7fe918000b90->p0xa445c0 p0x7fe910000b90 3 p0x7fe910000b90->p0x7fe918000b90 p0x7fe918000fe0 2 p0x7fe918000fe0->p0x7fe910000b90 p0x7fe918001150 1 p0x7fe918001150->p0x7fe918000fe0 p0x7fe918001208 0 p0x7fe918001208->p0x7fe918000fe0 p0x7fe918001098 1 p0x7fe918001098->p0x7fe910000b90 p0x7fe910000c48 2 p0x7fe910000c48->p0x7fe918000b90 p0x7fe910000d00 1 p0x7fe910000d00->p0x7fe910000c48 p0x7fe910000db8 0 p0x7fe910000db8->p0x7fe910000c48 p0x7fe918000c48 3 p0x7fe918000c48->p0xa445c0 p0x7fe918000d00 2 p0x7fe918000d00->p0x7fe918000c48 p0x7fe918000e70 1 p0x7fe918000e70->p0x7fe918000d00 p0x7fe918000f28 0 p0x7fe918000f28->p0x7fe918000d00 p0x7fe918000db8 1 p0x7fe918000db8->p0x7fe918000c48

Even if recursive dynamic tasking or subflows are possible, the recursion depth may not be too deep or it can cause stack overflow.