template<typename T>
tf::cudaUSMAllocator class

class to create a unified shared memory (USM) allocator

Template parameters
T element type

A cudaUSMAllocator enables using unified shared memory (USM) allocation for standard library containers. It is typically passed as template parameter when declaring standard library containers (e.g. std::vector).

Public types

template<typename U>
struct rebind
its member type U is the equivalent allocator type to allocate elements of type U
using value_type = T
element type
using pointer = T*
element pointer type
using reference = T&
element reference type
using const_pointer = const T*
const element pointer type
using const_reference = const T&
constant element reference type
using size_type = std::size_t
size type
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
pointer difference type

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

cudaUSMAllocator() noexcept
Constructs a device allocator object.
cudaUSMAllocator(const cudaUSMAllocator&) noexcept
Constructs a device allocator object from another device allocator object.
template<typename U>
cudaUSMAllocator(const cudaUSMAllocator<U>&) noexcept
Constructs a device allocator object from another device allocator object with a different element type.
~cudaUSMAllocator() noexcept
Destructs the device allocator object.

Public functions

auto address(reference x) -> pointer
Returns the address of x.
auto address(const_reference x) const -> const_pointer
Returns the address of x.
auto allocate(size_type n, const void* = 0) -> pointer
allocates block of storage.
void deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type)
Releases a block of storage previously allocated with member allocate and not yet released.
auto max_size() const -> size_type noexcept
returns the maximum number of elements that could potentially be allocated by this allocator
void construct(pointer ptr, const_reference val)
Constructs an element object on the location pointed by ptr.
void destroy(pointer ptr)
destroys in-place the object pointed by ptr
template<typename U>
auto operator==(const cudaUSMAllocator<U>&) const -> bool noexcept
compares two allocator of different types using ==
template<typename U>
auto operator!=(const cudaUSMAllocator<U>&) const -> bool noexcept
compares two allocator of different types using !=

Function documentation

template<typename T>
pointer tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::address(reference x)

Returns the address of x.

x reference to an object
Returns a pointer to the object

This effectively means returning &x.

template<typename T>
const_pointer tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::address(const_reference x) const

Returns the address of x.

x reference to an object
Returns a pointer to the object

This effectively means returning &x.

template<typename T>
pointer tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::allocate(size_type n, const void* = 0)

allocates block of storage.

n number of elements (each of size sizeof(value_type)) to be allocated
Returns a pointer to the initial element in the block of storage.

Attempts to allocate a block of storage with a size large enough to contain n elements of member type, value_type, and returns a pointer to the first element.

The storage is aligned appropriately for object of type value_type, but they are not constructed.

The block of storage is allocated using cudaMalloc and throws std::bad_alloc if it cannot allocate the total amount of storage requested.

template<typename T>
void tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::deallocate(pointer ptr, size_type)

Releases a block of storage previously allocated with member allocate and not yet released.

ptr pointer to a block of storage previously allocated with allocate

The elements in the array are not destroyed by a call to this member function.

template<typename T>
size_type tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::max_size() const noexcept

returns the maximum number of elements that could potentially be allocated by this allocator

Returns the nubmer of elements that might be allcoated as maximum by a call to member allocate

A call to member allocate with the value returned by this function can still fail to allocate the requested storage.

template<typename T>
void tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::construct(pointer ptr, const_reference val)

Constructs an element object on the location pointed by ptr.

ptr pointer to a location with enough storage soace to contain an element of type value_type
val value to initialize the constructed element to

template<typename T>
void tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::destroy(pointer ptr)

destroys in-place the object pointed by ptr

ptr pointer to the object to be destroye

Notice that this does not deallocate the storage for the element but calls its destructor.

template<typename T> template<typename U>
bool tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::operator==(const cudaUSMAllocator<U>&) const noexcept

compares two allocator of different types using ==

USM allocators of different types are always equal to each other because the storage allocated by the allocator a1 can be deallocated through a2.

template<typename T> template<typename U>
bool tf::cudaUSMAllocator<T>::operator!=(const cudaUSMAllocator<U>&) const noexcept

compares two allocator of different types using !=

USM allocators of different types are always equal to each other because the storage allocated by the allocator a1 can be deallocated through a2.