Matrix Multiplication (cudaFlow)
Following up on Matrix Multiplication, this page studies how to accelerate a matrix multiplication workload on a GPU using tf::
Define a Matrix Multiplication Kernel
GPU can perform a lot of parallel computations more than CPUs. It is especially useful for data-intensive computing such as matrix multiplication. With GPU, we express the parallel patterns at a fine-grained level. The kernel, written in CUDA, is described as follows:
// CUDA kernel to perform matrix multiplication __global__ void matmul(int *A, int *B, int *C, int M, int K, int N) { int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y; int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int sum = 0; if(col < N && row < M) { for(int i = 0; i < K; i++) { sum += a[row * K + i] * b[i * N + col]; } c[row * N + col] = sum; } }
Each CUDA thread corresponds to an element of C
and compute its result. Instead of storing each matrix in a 2D array, we use 1D layout to ease the data transfer between CPU and GPU. In a row-major layout, an element (x, y)
in the 2D matrix can be addressed at x * width + y
in the transformed 1D layout.

Define a cudaFlow for Matrix Multiplication
The next step is to allocate memory for A
, B
, and C
at a GPU. We create three tasks each calling cudaMalloc
to allocate space for one matrix. Then, we create a cudaFlow to offload matrix multiplication to a GPU. The entire code is described as follows:
void matrix_multiplication(int* A, int* B, int* C, int M, int K, int N) { tf::Taskflow taskflow; tf::Executor executor; // allocate the host and gpu storage for A tf::Task allocate_a = taskflow.emplace([&](){ cudaMalloc(&da, M*K*sizeof(int)); }).name("allocate_a"); // allocate the host and gpu storage for B tf::Task allocate_b = taskflow.emplace([&](){ cudaMalloc(&db, K*N*sizeof(int)); }).name("allocate_b"); // allocate the host and gpu storage for C tf::Task allocate_c = taskflow.emplace([&](){ cudaMalloc(&dc, M*N*sizeof(int)); }).name("allocate_c"); // create a cudaFlow task to run the matrix multiplication tf::Task cudaFlow = taskflow.emplace([&](){ tf::cudaFlow cf; // copy data to da, db, and dc tf::cudaTask copy_da = cf.copy(da, A, M*K).name("H2D_A"); tf::cudaTask copy_db = cf.copy(db, B, K*N).name("H2D_B"); tf::cudaTask copy_hc = cf.copy(C, dc, M*N).name("D2H_C"); dim3 grid ((K+16-1)/16, (M+16-1)/16); dim3 block (16, 16); tf::cudaTask kmatmul = cf.kernel(grid, block, 0, matmul, da, db, dc, M, K, N) .name("matmul"); kmatmul.succeed(copy_da, copy_db) .precede(copy_hc); // launch the cudaFlow tf::cudaStream stream;; stream.synchronize(); }).name("cudaFlow"); // free the gpu storage auto free = taskflow.emplace([&](){ cudaFree(da); cudaFree(db); cudaFree(dc); }).name("free"); // create dependency cudaFlow.succeed(allocate_a, allocate_b, allocate_c) .precede(free); // dump the graph without unfolding the cudaFlow taskflow.dump(std::cout); // run the taskflow; // dump the entire execution graph including unfolded cudaFlow taskflow.dump(std::cout); }
Within the cudaFlow, we create two host-to-device (H2D) tasks that copy data from A
and B
to da
and db
, one device-to-host (D2H) task that copies the result from dc
to C
, and one kernel task that launches matmul
on the GPU (by default, GPU 0). H2D tasks precede the kernel and the kernel precedes the D2H task. These GPU operations form a GPU task graph managed by a cudaFlow. The first dump of the taskflow gives the following graph:
A cudaFlow encapsulates a GPU task dependency graph similar to a tf::
We run three versions of matrix multiplication, sequential CPU, parallel CPUs, and one GPU, on a machine of 12 Intel i7-8700 CPUs at 3.20 GHz and a Nvidia RTX 2080 GPU using various matrix sizes of A
, B
, and C
A | B | C | CPU Sequential | CPU Parallel | GPU Parallel |
10x10 | 10x10 | 10x10 | 0.142 ms | 0.414 ms | 82 ms |
100x100 | 100x100 | 100x100 | 1.641 ms | 0.733 ms | 83 ms |
1000x1000 | 1000x1000 | 1000x1000 | 1532 ms | 504 ms | 85 ms |
2000x2000 | 2000x2000 | 2000x2000 | 25688 ms | 4387 ms | 133 ms |
3000x3000 | 3000x3000 | 3000x3000 | 104838 ms | 16170 ms | 214 ms |
4000x4000 | 4000x4000 | 4000x4000 | 250133 ms | 39646 ms | 427 ms |
As the matrix size increases, the speed-up of GPU over CPUs becomes prominent. For example, at 4000x4000
, the GPU runtime is 585.8 times faster than the sequential CPU runtime and is 92.8 times faster than the parallel CPU solutions.